Tuesday, September 11, 2012

beautiful bobs

I have a hair cut this afternoon, which I am looking forward to. I have always had short hair and am looking forward to a fresh trim. I have still not decided if I should go for a shorter bob like the images below, or just stick with my classic "longer" bob look. 
Nevertheless, I am loving these cute cuts...and maybe they'll inspire you for a different hairstyle! Because fall fashion, doesn't have to just mean your wardrobe, switching up your hair cut can work just as well!


And HERE is one of my other favorites courtesy of a Vogue Flickr account. 

Also, to remember 9/11, here is a lovely write-up from Project Rebirth, an organization that I featured last year. 

"The years teach much, which the days never know" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reflecting on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we can see now how the years have taught us to cope with the horror of the day and its aftermath. And we can see how people work to create good out of the most horrific acts. The mission of Proj
ect Rebirth is to record the amazing resilience of the human spirit, and to help share that resilience in ways that will help people and communities deal better with future disasters. Our film "Rebirth" is at work towards this aim. Our nine short films and immersive exhibit for the 9/11 Memorial and Museum are almost complete and our team is in cities around the country working with veterans, active military, first responders, educators, health care professionals and others who serve our country and communities. Advancing our pilot programs into scalable programming will make a real difference in the lives of professionals and organizations that respond to disasters. This is how we're honoring 9/11.

We can learn from the disasters that we can never forget. Please share this message if you want to help spread the message of our work.

Visit my post from last year HERE
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  1. All I want is short hair, but every time I'm close to realllyyyy cropping, I chicken out. Pinning these pictures for inspiration, just in case!

    The Glossy Life

  2. I absolutely love this hair style! Thank you so much for sharing. You always are so great at explaining difficult looking styles in an easy to comprehend way!
