I will probably be off the radar for a couple of days thanks to my wisdom teeth surgery this morning.
So while I am conked out on my bed, you can take a peek at my life the past couple of weeks.
I graduated OWU in December, but wanted to take part in the spring commencement ceremony. I came back to school for the last week of school to catch-up with friends and I had a tremendous time. Between celebrating birthdays, DJing at the bar, walking dogs, graduation party hopping, and taking part in Great Strides on behalf of cystic fibrosis; I was able to reflect on the wonderful time I had at OWU and the friendships I made throughout the past four years.
I am so grateful I spent time up at school prior to graduation because it gave me the opportunity to reconnect with people who have truly made an impact in my life. It was comforting to come back to school after not seeing friends for months (some of them even a year) and have things pick-up like it was just yesterday since we had seen each other. In addition to reaffirming friendships, I was able to meet and engage with people I might not have known too well before. There are a couple of people that I had fantastic conversations with and I feel both blessed to have met them and confident that the relationships will continue. I have met people who will be lifelong friends and I look forward to the many memories in the years to come!
Now with sentiments aside, here's a sampling of my week:
(in case you can't tell...I got my fair share of cardio dancing in!)

Please, please tell me more about those fantastic ankle-strap flats you're wearing in front of your sorority house! But take your time...here's to an easy wisdom teeth recovery--Chick-Fil-A milkshakes were my saving grace when mine came out!